Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Oh go on then....

My current work rota combined with house hunting means that, 2 months since the race, my UTMB blog is still in its embryonic stages. Since then I've run the winter 100. Now a lot of people have written some in-depth excellent accounts of this race. So here's my 5 minute, bullet-point version for the easily distracted.

Leg one: Urgh, flat and mud. Oh god, I remember this bit from the TP100. Sodding flat fields. I'm tired. I can't be arsed with this. My legs hurt. Might just DNF when I get back to Goring. Whinge whinge whinge.

Leg 2: Oof, finally a hill! Ooo, my legs are starting to warm up a bit. Yay, lovely trail to run! I like this bit. Hey, check me out, I'm an aeroplane! YA SVABODEI!!!

Leg 3: Ok, I'm sure the guy at Goring said it was just up here. But this points to the Ridgeway. I thought it was TP, Ridgeway, TP, Ridgeway. Damn it, why don't I read the race instructions more carefully?! Hang on, mobile signal...centurion website...phew, this is the right section! Ok, time to get running again. Ooooo, look, a giant chicken!

Leg 4: Nice leafy path...bit more mud...I'm tired now, plod plod plod. Follow the Centurion signs.....hang on...I've been running a good 5 minutes and no red/white tape. What does that sign say? Alpaca extravaganza? Oh shite, I've gone the wrong way! Damn it Sarah, focus! Run out of water now. Where the hell is that turning point?? Oh, thank god!! Right, homeward bound!

Finish; Time for a Groucho Marx impression. Oh, and this puddle in the middle of the road will do nicely to wash the mud off. Love you guys! xx