Sunday 20 March 2016

Angels without wings.

2016 has not been a good year for me so far. I'm hoping that I've paid my dues to whatever aspect of fate I owe, my run of bad luck is over and I can just get on with my life now. I suppose none of us knows what fate has in store for us. Despite that fact that I participate in relatively extreme sports I never saw myself sustaining an injury that would have such an impact on my life.

On the other hand, I am very lucky. Last week in Plymouth a cyclist the same age as me was killed by a dangerous driver. I know from the state of my bike, cycle helmet and patella that if I had landed differently I could have sustained far more serious injuries. My head smashed the drivers windscreen as I went over her bonnet and I escaped with whiplash alone, not even a concussion. Jason frequently reminds me how different that call he received from the police could have been...

Counting my blessings helps me through the difficult periods, the days that I cry and cry and just long to put on my trainers and run out of the front door. If I can just bear this period of recovery, then I will be able to get back to my normal life. Even if that no longer includes competitive running, there is so much that I can do. Had I landed differently during the accident then I might not have had that option.

But counting my blessings  alone is not what is getting me through this. It's you. Whoever you are, reading this, giving me positive input no matter how small.

I am truly lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people. From the moment that this injury occurred I have had people beside me, supporting me, holding me up when I'm down. My wonderful parents; Dad who has put up with my constant questioning about whether he thinks the bone is healing properly, Mum who has looked after me as if I was 10 again, driving me to appointments and caring for me like only a mother could. My ever-patient husband who has dealt with my frequent and dramatic mood swings, my fears and my pain.

And my amazing circle of friends, constantly giving me encouragement, wishing me well, offering to help me out wherever they can.  I have received such amazing quantities of love over the past few weeks. I don't think I could ever express what you have done for me, and the words 'thank you' just seem so inadequate.

So, this blog post is by way of a 'thank you' card to each and every one of you. It's not enough, and no amount of thanks ever could be, but it'll have to do.

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